- [新闻资讯]卢柏晶振关注物质声明领先全球2023年10月11日 14:29
卢柏晶振关注物质声明领先全球,Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Declaration
Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances (REACH) went into effect on June 1, 2007.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) based in Helsinki, Finland, was set up to implement and monitor the REACH system. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure a high level of protection for human health and for the environment. This includes the promotion of alternative methods of assessing the potential risks posed by substances. Under the REACH regulation, manufacturers and importers of substances must obtain all the data needed to assess the substances they produce or import. They must also demonstrate convincingly that their substances are safe to handle for all identified uses and thus harmful effects on human health and the environment can be avoided. Registration is required for each substance produced or imported in quantities of one metric ton or more per year per manufacturer/importer. Concerning substances of very high concern (SVHC) manufactures of articles, in particular components manufacturers, are obliged to inform their customers in case an SVHC is contained in a product with more than 0,1% w/w. The list SVHC is regularly updated and published by the ECHA.
RubyQuartz Technology, LLC actively provides our customers with appropriate information which we receive from our suppliers. RubyQuartz Technology, LLC monitors and complies with all requirements of REACH and specifically requirements resulting from the Candidate List and Annex XVII and inform customers if any changes take place.
欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)总部设在芬兰赫尔辛基,成立的目的是实施和监测REACH系统。该条例的目的是确保高度保护人类健康和环境。这包括推广评估物质潜在风险的替代方法。根据REACH法规,物质的制造商和进口商必须获得评估他们生产或进口的物质所需的所有数据。他们还必须令人信服地证明,他们的物质对于所有确定的用途都是安全的,因此可以避免对人类健康和环境的有害影响。每个制造商/进口商每年生产或进口一公吨或一公吨以上的每种物质都需要注册。关于高度关注物质(SVHC ),如果产品中含有超过0.1% w/w的SVHC,物品制造商(尤其是部件制造商)有义务通知其客户。ECHA定期更新和公布SVHC清单。
RubyQuartz Technology,LLC积极向我们的客户提供我们从供应商处获得的适当信息以及OSC有源晶振相关信息。RubyQuartz Technology,LLC监督并遵守REACH的所有要求,特别是候选人名单和附录XVII中的要求,并在发生任何变化时通知客户。卢柏晶振关注物质声明领先全球.
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