- [新闻资讯]领先同行Rubyquartz Crystal环保政策2023年10月09日 16:45
领先同行Rubyquartz Crystal环保政策,世界一流频率元器件供应商Rubyquartz公司,凭借着自身对于晶体行业的热爱,不断为行业贡献自身的价值,通过几十年以来的积累,如今有了爆发式的增长,并利用自身的独特创新能力,开发性能卓越,品质优良的晶振产品。
As a supplier of frequency control products, RubyQuartz Technology, LLC uses certain minerals in the products we manufacturer. While Raltron requires all our suppliers to comply with the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct and to only source materials from environmentally and socially responsible suppliers, we recognize the complex supply chain involved with certain minerals and have taken steps to ensure that virgin metals we purchase do not originate in conflict mines. ‘Conflict Mining’ or ‘Conflict Metals’ or ‘Conflict Minerals’ refers to the illegal control of some mines in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. The electronics industry uses certain types of metals, some of which are potentially refined from minerals obtained from these mines.
The primary minerals and metals that could potentially come from conflict mines are:
- Cassiterite (tin)
- Gold
- Cobalt
- Coltan (tantalum)
- Wolframite (tungsten)
- Pyrochlore (niobium)
The metals that RubyQuartz Technology, LLC uses are tin and gold. Tin is used in certain copper alloy terminals, some platings, and solder, while gold is used in platings of some terminals and gold electrodes. Tungsten is also used in the making of the ceramic packages used in SMD components.
RubyQuartz Technology, LLC does not directly purchase any of the other minerals and metals listed (cobalt, niobium, and tantalum), so we are focusing our efforts on tin and gold suppliers.
RubyQuartz Technology, LLC requires all our suppliers to conform to the Electronics Industry Code of Conductbecause the supply chain for these minerals is complex, Raltron has requested that our tin and gold suppliers, trace these metals to their source, and to take corrective actions if any conflict mines are used. Raltron and its suppliers do not knowingly use any virgin tin or gold obtained from conflict mines and will regularly query suppliers to verify our requirements are being met to help ensure the health and safety of all workers in our supply chain
- 阅读(567)
- 1Raltron晶振C04810-20.000MHZ-EXT-TR专用于微处理器应用
- 2Crystek晶振CVCO33BE-2352-2408非常适合数字无线电设备
- 3MEMS振荡器DSC1123CE1-156.2500提供出色的抖动和稳定性
- 4生产信息控制系统专用XCO793HU21-156.250时钟振荡器
- 5KDS振荡器1XSF026000AR6无线蓝牙模块专用晶振
- 6无线Wi-Fi专用晶振ECS-160-9-33B-CWN-TR
- 7ECS-080-18-5PX-JES-TR非常适合成本至关重要的宽温度范围应用
- 8ECS-3225MVLC-250-CN-TR低电流表面贴装振荡器非常适合物联网应用
- 9ECS-80-8-30Q-DS-TR紧凑型石英晶体非常适合汽车电子应用
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