- [新闻资讯]AST3TQ-T-20.000MHZ-50-C-T5温补晶体振荡器TCXO提供性能和小尺寸的平衡,非常满足5G设备的需求2022年06月14日 11:04
Abracon’s new AST3TDA and AST3TDA53 temperature-controlled oscillator (TCXO) series provide the ideal tradeoff between precision timing performance and small size to meet emerging 5G design requirements. The VC/TCXO devices are ideal for 5G infrastructure applications such as macro base stations (AAU, DU/CU), small cells (Micro, Pico, Femto), and Wifi-6/6E.
The cloudification and densification of networks continues to propel demand for 5G telecommunication technology, increasing the performance and board space pressures placed on applications from smart devices and edge computing to electric vehicles and automotive ADAS.
The ultra-performance TCXOs deliver high precision holdover accuracy and stability over temperature performances in the most popular industry package sizes. For example, the 7.0 x 5.0 mm AST3TDA series can support a tight ±50ppb frequency stability up to a high 105ºC operating temperature.
Abracon的新 AST3TDA 和 AST3TDA53温补振荡器(TCXO) 系列在精确定时性能和小尺寸之间提供了理想的平衡,以满足新兴的 5G 设计要求。VC/TCXO 设备非常适合 5G 基础设施应用,例如宏基站(AAU、DU/CU)、小型蜂窝(Micro、Pico、Femto)和 Wifi-6/6E。 - 阅读(397)
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