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JinYu Crystal Paltform


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    NEL晶体振荡器卓越质量与可靠性,NEL Frequency Controls is a technology leader in the development and manufacture of leading edge frequency control products. Customers choose NEL to supply the optimal solution for applications requiring crystal oscillators with challenging performance specifications such as ultra low phase noise, ultra low power, and ultra high frequency capability. NEL’s research and product development efforts support next generation customer applications that push performance boundaries in system speed, bandwidth, resolution, accuracy, and power consumption. Our customers benefit from our broad, low cost product offering, which reflects globally competitive frequency control solutions. Customer technologists can rely on NEL for total technical support in selecting the best frequency control solution for their application.

    With state-of-the-art manufacturing locations in the USA and the Philippines, NEL Frequency Controls’ manufacturing model provides the flexibility required to compete globally with its diverse product mix. Frequency control solutions of higher complexity are manufactured at NEL’s USA location, whereas higher volume, lower cost, less complex frequency control solutions are manufactured at NEL’s Philippines location. Both manufacturing locations operate under the same TQM policy with common systems design, process, and testing to ensure complete product integrity. NEL is a ISO 9001-2008 certified company and has a strong industry reputation for high reliability with its products.

    Breakthrough Synchronized Crystal Oscillator, SXO

    NEL’s synchronized crystal oscillator (SXO) technology offers significant performance advantages for high performance computing requirements. Parallel processing applications that require scalable synchronized clocking now have a better solution than the traditional clock distribution approach. The Synchronized Crystal Oscillator provides:
    • Frequency and phase synchronization among an unlimited number of clocks in an HPC timing architecture
    • Redundancy—Eliminates the need for master clock resulting in no single point of clock failure risk
    • Full scalability—Additional SXO’s can be added (synched) to an existing SXO ensemble
    • Reduced system level jitter—Additive jitter associated with clock distribution is eliminated
    SXO evaluation boards, white paper, and demonstrations are available upon request.

    Lowest Phase Noise Solutions Available

    NEL Frequency Controls can optimize crystal oscillator phase noise performance based on customer goals and requirements. Customers looking for a competitive advantage with their application’s phase noise performance will often choose NEL to help gain a performance advantage of -5 dBc/Hz to -10 dBc/Hz. Customers looking for low cost ways to upgrade existing designs and platforms turn to NEL for the flexibility of selecting varying levels of phase noise performance within a drop-in compatible package.

    Problem Solving

    The crystal oscillator is often described as the heart of the system. Having an optimized frequency control solution for an application requires an understanding of the environment in which the crystal oscillator will be operating. NEL engineers are adept at providing robust solutions that factor in signal integrity issues, such as power supply noise, harmonics, shock and vibration, loading, temperature, and assembly conditions.

    Excellent Quality, Reliability

    NEL’s Total Quality Management systems embed quality requirements in all processes. Statistical Process Control is used to validate quality at every step of production. Our standard practices include 100% testing. Testing is expanded with HALT/HASS procedures for mission critical applications. NEL provides extensive product characterization data to verify complete compliance with product specifications. Data on long term reliability is available for customer review. Product serialization for added traceability assurance is available upon request.

    Just In Time, On Time

    NEL’s vertical integration allows for short lead times and just in time delivery. Provide NEL with your forecast, communicate upside demand requirements, and NEL will deliver just in time, on time.

    Comprehensive Customer Support

    • Immediate phone support, both customer service and technical support
    • Access to systems that evaluate the alternatives and pinpoint the best solutions for your needs
    • Flexible design solutions to help achieve your goals

    • Global partnerships


    NEL频率控制公司在美国和菲律宾拥有最先进的制造工厂,其制造模式为其多样化的产品组合提供了全球竞争所需的灵活性。较高复杂性的频率控制解决方案在NEL的美国工厂制造,而较大批量、较低成本、不太复杂的频率控制解决方案在NEL的菲律宾工厂制造。两个制造工厂都在相同的TQM政策下运作,采用共同的系统设计、流程和测试,以确保完整的产品完整性。NEL是一家ISO 9001-2008认证的公司,因其产品的高可靠性而享有很高的行业声誉。NEL晶体振荡器卓越质量与可靠性.



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    卢柏晶振关注物质声明领先全球,Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Declaration

    Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances (REACH) went into effect on June 1, 2007.

    The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) based in Helsinki, Finland, was set up to implement and monitor the REACH system. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure a high level of protection for human health and for the environment. This includes the promotion of alternative methods of assessing the potential risks posed by substances. Under the REACH regulation, manufacturers and importers of substances must obtain all the data needed to assess the substances they produce or import. They must also demonstrate convincingly that their substances are safe to handle for all identified uses and thus harmful effects on human health and the environment can be avoided. Registration is required for each substance produced or imported in quantities of one metric ton or more per year per manufacturer/importer. Concerning substances of very high concern (SVHC) manufactures of articles, in particular components manufacturers, are obliged to inform their customers in case an SVHC is contained in a product with more than 0,1% w/w. The list SVHC is regularly updated and published by the ECHA.

    RubyQuartz Technology, LLC actively provides our customers with appropriate information which we receive from our suppliers. RubyQuartz Technology, LLC monitors and complies with all requirements of REACH and specifically requirements resulting from the Candidate List and Annex XVII and inform customers if any changes take place.



    欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)总部设在芬兰赫尔辛基,成立的目的是实施和监测REACH系统。该条例的目的是确保高度保护人类健康和环境。这包括推广评估物质潜在风险的替代方法。根据REACH法规,物质的制造商和进口商必须获得评估他们生产或进口的物质所需的所有数据。他们还必须令人信服地证明,他们的物质对于所有确定的用途都是安全的,因此可以避免对人类健康和环境的有害影响。每个制造商/进口商每年生产或进口一公吨或一公吨以上的每种物质都需要注册。关于高度关注物质(SVHC ),如果产品中含有超过0.1% w/w的SVHC,物品制造商(尤其是部件制造商)有义务通知其客户。ECHA定期更新和公布SVHC清单。

    RubyQuartz Technology,LLC积极向我们的客户提供我们从供应商处获得的适当信息以及OSC有源晶振相关信息。RubyQuartz Technology,LLC监督并遵守REACH的所有要求,特别是候选人名单和附录XVII中的要求,并在发生任何变化时通知客户。卢柏晶振关注物质声明领先全球.

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    领先同行NAKA纳卡株式会社的独特优势,Naka&Company is a manufacturer of quartz oscillators and oscillators focused on the industrial infrastructure market.

    In the industrial infrastructure market, long-term production support is required, especially in response to measures such as quality customization level libraries. Based on years of accumulated analog circuit technology, we provide products and services that satisfy customers with low phase noise oscillators. At the same time, discussions will also be held on alternative products related to the shutdown of other companies.


    naka & company是一家专注于产业基础设施市场的石英振子、石英晶体振荡器的制造商。

    在工业基础设施市场上特别是质量自定义等级库应对措施长期生产支持等被要求。 以多年积累的模拟电路技术为基础,低相位噪声振荡器等提供让客户满意的产品和服务。 同时与其他公司停产相关的替代品也会进行讨论。

    1. 支持定制规格

    输出频率:~1GHz ※也支持定制频率
    输出: CMOS、正弦波、LVPECL、LVDS
    电源电压: +3.3V、+5.0V、+12.0V等

    2. 低相位噪声阵容


    3. 长期生产支持阵容


    4. 支持停产替代

    停产替代品需要的话,我会支持你的。 详情请参阅其他公司名称互换表中选择照明设备。

    Naka Crystal Oscillator Company is a crystal equipment manufacturer that uses analog circuit technology and specializes in customizing specifications. Communication equipment, broadcasting equipment, measuring instruments, transportation infrastructure, medical equipment, and defense equipment with strong requirements for "low phase noise, high frequency, and high reliability". In addition, it has now become a problem to suspend production and achieve long-term product supply, with the goal of meeting customers' future business needs.


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    领先同行Rubyquartz Crystal环保政策

    领先同行Rubyquartz Crystal环保政策,世界一流频率元器件供应商Rubyquartz公司,凭借着自身对于晶体行业的热爱,不断为行业贡献自身的价值,通过几十年以来的积累,如今有了爆发式的增长,并利用自身的独特创新能力,开发性能卓越,品质优良的晶振产品。






    As a supplier of frequency control products, RubyQuartz Technology, LLC uses certain minerals in the products we manufacturer. While Raltron requires all our suppliers to comply with the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct and to only source materials from environmentally and socially responsible suppliers, we recognize the complex supply chain involved with certain minerals and have taken steps to ensure that virgin metals we purchase do not originate in conflict mines. ‘Conflict Mining’ or ‘Conflict Metals’ or ‘Conflict Minerals’ refers to the illegal control of some mines in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. The electronics industry uses certain types of metals, some of which are potentially refined from minerals obtained from these mines.

    The primary minerals and metals that could potentially come from conflict mines are:

    • Cassiterite (tin)
    • Gold
    • Cobalt
    • Coltan (tantalum)
    • Wolframite (tungsten)
    • Pyrochlore (niobium)

    The metals that RubyQuartz Technology, LLC uses are tin and gold. Tin is used in certain copper alloy terminals, some platings, and solder, while gold is used in platings of some terminals and gold electrodes. Tungsten is also used in the making of the ceramic packages used in SMD components.

    RubyQuartz Technology, LLC does not directly purchase any of the other minerals and metals listed (cobalt, niobium, and tantalum), so we are focusing our efforts on tin and gold suppliers.

    RubyQuartz Technology, LLC requires all our suppliers to conform to the Electronics Industry Code of Conductbecause the supply chain for these minerals is complex, Raltron has requested that our tin and gold suppliers, trace these metals to their source, and to take corrective actions if any conflict mines are used. Raltron and its suppliers do not knowingly use any virgin tin or gold obtained from conflict mines and will regularly query suppliers to verify our requirements are being met to help ensure the health and safety of all workers in our supply chain

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    这低功耗、低成本硅时钟振荡器我们的产品系列配备了最先进的IC技术,并在性能、超长寿命(MTBF 10亿小时)、出色的抗冲击和抗振动性、尺寸、精度、抖动、功耗和灵活性方面树立了标准。与其它硅振荡器一样,我们的SMD硅振荡器伦敦爱乐乐团, HTLPO, WTLPO系列和相应的汽车版(AEC-Q100)使用硅谐振器同步IC。由于微硅谐振器的振动能量非常低,SMD硅振荡器的性能远远优于类似的石英振荡器。一般来说,SMD硅时钟振荡器可用于所有需要高性价比时钟振荡器的应用。如果在下午2点前要求样品,通常可以在当天发货。
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    Raltron晶振为消费电子市场提供晶体、音叉、时钟振荡器、锯设备、陶瓷谐振器、LTCC RF陶瓷产品和天线。这些产品旨在满足消费者应用的关键要求,如与电池操作相关的低外形、小占地面积和低功耗。


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    随着产品的不断改进,Micro Crystal已经成功验证了其最新的高性能温度补偿贴片晶振RV-3032-C7实时时钟模块在高达+105°C的温度下的运行。这种在更宽的温度范围(-40°C至+105°C)下运行的能力使其成为要求低功耗、高精度和尺寸的户外和2级汽车应用的理想选择。

    Micro Crystal推出新型RV-3032-C7实时时钟(RTC)模块贴片晶振,该模块以超低功耗在整个工业温度范围内提供世界上最好的时间精度。这款高性能超紧凑型RTC模块具有定制IC和集成石英晶体谐振器,树立了最小尺寸(uSOP-8封装尺寸的一半,无需额外的外部元件),最佳精确度(在-40至85°C的工作温度下为0.26秒/天),超低电流消耗(160 nA计时模式),独一无二电源管理功能.


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